Vehicle Inspection Procedure and Audit Transfer Procedure

Date of release:2019-04-11 Author: Click:

[Motor Vehicle Inspection Procedure and Audit Transfer Procedure]

Vehicles parked in waiting parking spaces: drivers with vehicle driving license, road transport license and technical qualification certificate should register at the vehicle registration window. Vehicle login window staff should make a registration account for vehicles registered every day; at the payment window, vehicle toll window staff should make a registration account for vehicles paid every day.2. The driver shall go to the external inspection window to go through the formalities of vehicle appearance inspection and registration with the payment bill. Vehicle appearance inspection includes vehicle uniqueness identification and off-line inspection:

1. If the uniqueness of the vehicle is found to be unqualified, it shall be rectified or handed over to the relevant departments for processing.

2. Unqualified out-of-line inspection: adjustment, rectification and repair.

3. Vehicle Appearance Inspection One Vehicle One Form, which is signed by the inspector after passing the inspection, and is filed with the report sheet after the completion of the inspection.

3. After passing the external inspection, the pilot shall drive the inspected vehicle for in-line inspection (including trench inspection), and the unqualified vehicle shall be adjusted, rectified and repaired.

4. After the in-line inspection is completed, the driver shall hold the external inspection form and the inspection report form, which shall be examined and signed by the authorized signatory. Authorized signatories shall examine and verify the vehicle payment bills, external inspection reports and inspection reports, and make a registration account for the vehicles audited daily.

5. Vehicle drivers shall check and register at the vehicle technical management window with payment bills, external inspection reports, inspection reports, road transport certificates and technical qualifications certificates. If a violation item such as overdue secondary maintenance is found, the driver shall be informed to accept punishment at the violation handling window, and the staff of the violation handling window shall make a registration account for the vehicles punished on that day.

6. Drivers go to the vehicle technical management window with penalty tickets, fill in the vehicle technical ledger and improve the vehicle technical files. After the formalities are completed, the staff of the vehicle technical management window will issue a signature notice.

7. Vehicle drivers with signature notices, road transport certificates and technical qualification certificates shall go to the signature window for the second-level maintenance and signature formalities. The staff of the signature window shall examine and verify the invoices for vehicle inspection and whether the violations are handled or not. After the completion of the signature, the staff of the vehicle signature window shall sign the vehicle, and the staff of the vehicle signature window shall make the registration desk account for the vehicle that is signed every day.

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